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Individual Phone Coaching Sessions

All  sessions are designed to help you open one or more of the 6 Pathways to Radiant Consciousness so that you can come alive and connect to your true joy, freedom, and inspiration.
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  • Emotional Resolution® Session - Special: $280 (regularly $330)
In this 60 minute phone session, you will clear one or more emotional patterns driving your life using a powerful process that taps into your natural ability to resolve your emotional difficulties. Based on neuroscience, this powerful process will help you resolve emotional triggers, allowing you to experience more peace and freedom.  This session includes a follow-up call to make sure the emotions we worked on are resolved.
  • Energetic Freedom Session - Special: $280 (regularly $330)
    Experience a unique process designed to free you from the limiting and dysfunctional connections with the people and the memories you have outgrown.  I combine Pranic Healing and Emotional Resolution with other powerful coaching techniques to help you mentally, emotionally, and energetically cut ties to people, and past events that are holding you back. When you free yourself in this way, you experience more freedom, confidence and flow.  (60 minute session)
  • Four 60-Minute Session Package - Special: $900 (Save over $400 off the regular price)
Choose between the Emotional Resolution® Session and the Energetic Freedom Session for each session.  I also offer other types of session, which we can discuss in a free 30 minute introductory coaching session, to clarify your goals for our work together, and to answer any questions you might have.
Want to Have a Conversation to Find the Right Program for You?

Radiance is the freedom, joy, and inspiration that comes from letting go of all that you are not and embracing the truth of who you truly are.

Ignite Your Radiance Coaching Program

​Are you on a path of personal growth and transformation, but feel like you've hit a plateau?  Although you've grown tremendously in your journey, do you now feel you're at a point where you are challenged by emotional resistance and limiting beliefs that slow or sometimes stop your progress?  Even after reading more books, taking classes, watching videos, and working with coaches and healers, do you still feel stuck?  What makes it more challenging is the more you become aware and learn about yourself, the more you realize that your limiting beliefs, self-judgments, and fears are driving you.  You may even be clear about the changes you want to make in your life, but the irrational emotions and memories of the past override your intentions.  So how can you truly transform these unconscious forces that are pulling you away from your transformational journey?
I’ve been there, and I want to help you understand, uncover, and transform the powerful forces that keep you from growing and evolving to who you are destined to be.  I created this unique and powerful program to help you resolve those limiting emotions once and for all. When you uncover the Radiance of who you truly are underneath all your doubts, fears, and limitations, you will experience the clarity of your purpose, and discover the path to your Radiant destiny.
This program is designed to help you:
  • Resolve the limiting emotional triggers taking you away from your peace
  • Untangle yourself from stories and relationships that have been holding you back from moving forward
  • Uncover the Radiance of who you truly are underneath your doubts, fears, and self-judgments
  • Discover your inspiring and Radiant vision of your life, and uncover the steps to reach that vision
  • Experience clarity and confidence like you have never experienced before
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Ron Coquia
Radiant Consciousness Coach and Creator
The following sessions are included in this program:
  • Emotional Resolution® Session - 60 minute session valued at $330
    In this session, you will clear one or two emotional patterns driving your life using a powerful process that taps into your natural ability to resolve your emotional challenges.  When you break the cycle of disempowering emotions, you experience more peace, clarity, and joy.
  • Energetic Freedom Session - 60 minute session valued at $330
    Experience a unique process designed to free you from the limiting and dysfunctional connections with people and memories you have outgrown.  I combined Pranic Healing with other powerful coaching techniques to help you mentally, emotionally and energetically cut ties to what is holding you back from your true freedom. 
  • Uncover Your Radiance Session - 60 to 120 minute session valued at $330
    In this one-of-a-kind experience, you will dissolve the layers of self judgement, shame, and limiting beliefs that hide your true self.  When you free yourself from the layers that are no longer you, you uncover the Radiance of who you are at your core.  Your Radiance is the most powerful part of you.  It is the source of your joy, love, and your passion for life.  When you experience your Radiance, you come alive and feel a sense of freedom and inspiration like you never felt before! 

  • Radiant Vision Discovery Session - 60 to 90 minute session valued at $330
    After tapping into your Radiant presence that you discovered in the previous session, I will guide you to uncover the Radiant vision that you hold within you.  In this powerful, experiential process, you will intuitively uncover your inspiring vision for yourself and explore the steps you can take to realize your Radiant destiny!
Take Advantage of this Limited Time Special Offer. 
Enroll in the entire program for only $900
(Normally Valued at $1,320)
Want to Have a Conversation to Learn if this is the Right Program for You?

Success Stories


Ron Coquia is one of the most authentic, open-hearted, insightful and graceful leaders of transformation that I have come across in my 20 years in the industry.  Ron brings his whole self, his whole heart and a wealth of personal experience to his coaching sessions.  With a core confidence that exudes wisdom, Ron has led me to deeper insights into myself than I could have come to on my own.  His verbal expression is concise and exemplifies the love and pure possibility with which he holds each and every one who passes through his experience, no matter what their needs may be.  My suggestion is to grab hold of this budding master teacher while a closer connection with him is viable before his career explodes!

Carol Piro

Women's Voice Empowerment Coach

Working with Ron has yielded some of biggest personal growth I’ve ever had. His ability to get on my level and hold dedicated space for me during our conversations is a true testament to his radiance-guided purpose in this life. I knew that I had pent up emotions, but now thanks to working with Ron, I know how to recognize when emotions come up and how to process them in a healthy way so they don’t stay trapped inside of me at the expense of my body. Now I’m in touch with the multiple layers inside of me that comprise my experience, and with how to tap into the core source of my being - of who I am- thanks to the unveiling of my radiant self session. Because of that, if at anytime I feel the weight of the world pressing down on me, I can redirect my thoughts into the center of my radiant core Self and rise above whatever ails me (a tool that I now use daily).  After that unveiling, my next major breakthrough with Ron was when he helped me walk through the trajectory of my radiant life vision for myself and the next 20 years that lie ahead. I can now confidently say that I know what my radiant future looks like when in service to my highest good, and I can’t wait to manifest that destiny for myself. These moments and revelations while working with Ron have been like gems in my heart. Now that I have them, they can never be taken away. Never again will I feel vulnerable in the ways that used to plague me. My life is forever changed for the better. 

Ashley Sofia Dawn Woodbury


I felt alive again, after a very long period of struggle, anxiety, self-doubt, and going back on forth about what I should do vs what I want to do. Ron helped me get really aligned with my true purpose and my true passion in my business and my life. And he gave me permission to go on a path that once brought me a lot of guilt, but I now realize that it is my true path and purpose. I had too many insights to even name, but the best part was walking away feeling at ease, happy, peaceful, and loving my life and what the future holds for me. Ron is an incredible, insightful coach and visionary, and he is such an amazing steward for bringing about an individual’s best and highest self. He is able to see the best version of you and hone it down and make it real in such a short time! Ron is really talented at his craft. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Chinh Pham
Empowerment Expert, Speaker

I was at a turning point of my life when I encountered Ron. I was longing for changes and self- improvement. However, I constantly confined by my own insecurities and felt rather scattered a lot of the time.  I never tried life coaching  before I met Ron, and I wasn’t clear what I should work on. Through the sessions, Ron was great on guiding me, analyzing my situation, and moved me forward in a short period of time. His coaching sessions are nurturing and effective. They make me feel comfortable and confident. After few sessions with him, I have overwhelming feelings of peace and calm and a feeling of certainty of my future. I have gone from doing things that I thought I needed to do, in a very hurried, disconnected way to being the person who is centered and be pleasant to be around. I also feel that my relationships and connections with people around me have grown deeper.  The coaching is transforming, and I started to connect with myself in a very joyful way.  THANK YOU, Ron.

Xiaomin Yu

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