Transformational Projects
Transformational Messenger TV - 2016
This weekly show served as a powerful program for transformational messengers to further embrace and uncover their truth, empower their transformational message, and expand their impact in the world. Viewers learn from various experts who provide deep wisdom, insights and tools to empower their unique transformational journey. This 19-show series originally aired on Voice America TV on the Empowered ConnectionsTV™ channel.
From Crisis To Conscious Awakening - 2020
In light of the Corona Virus and the fear and disruption it has created in our lives, this event is a force of Radiance to counterbalance the darkness from the crisis we face. I invited powerful, coaches, healers and conscious speakers to help us through this challenging time to transform it into a path of conscious awakening. Learn more about this powerful online event.

Radiant Reflection Music - Launching 2021
In 2018, I studied audio and music production at the Sound Healing Center in San Francisco. Using sound healing principles, I learned to write, compose and produce music that supported inner transformation. I started collaborating with healers that inspired me with both their voice and their spirit. In 2021, I plan to launch Radiant Reflection Music to bring transformational music to the masses featuring Sofia Dawn, a Sound Healer that touched me with her voice, her love, and her Radiance.

Radiant Virtual Reality - Launching 2021
Imagine being transported to a beautiful sunrise at Lake Tahoe and being guided by a transformation experience that resolves your emotional stress and awakens you to be at your radiant best for the day. Virtual Reality has a potential for creating powerful experiences that can accelerate your transformational growth. In 2021, I plan to launch a new product that helps you to awaken your Radiance through powerful virtual reality experiences.